Thompson & Morgan Cauliflower Veronica

Thompson & Morgan Cauliflower Veronica

Our Ref No : 19935 £3.99 Zero VAT
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Thompson & Morgan Cauliflower Veronica F1 Hybrid.

Romanesco produce a pale green head consisting of a mass of spirals. Flavour is sweeter and more delicate than many white cauliflowers with a lovely crunch especially raw with 'dips'. Also an excellent steamed vegetable. Romanesco is rarely seen in the supermarkets so do try to grow yourself.

Crunchy, pale green head consisiting of spirals
Sweet flavour, indivitual spirals can be eaten raw with 'dips'
More delicate a flavour than cauliflower. Rarely seen in supermarkets
Sow May to early June
Prefers a moist, rich well-drained soil in full sun. Plant firmly
Harvest September to early November