Barrettine Decking Oil 2.5 Litre

Barrettine Decking Oil 2.5 Litre

Our Ref No : 18429 £26.90 Inc VAT

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Barrettine Decking Oil 2.5 Litre
• Available in a choice of colours.
• Oils, Protects and Stains all in one treatment.
• Built in UV protection.
• Translucent finish, wood grain pattern is visible.
• Low odour formulation.
• Non flaking and its water repellency helps prevent timber splitting and cracking.
• Dry film preserver helping stop mould and fungi growth.
• Harmless to plants and pets when dry.
• Brush or spray application.
Ensure wood to be treated is dry, free from dirt and repellent coatings such as paint or varnish (remove and sand down as required).
Recommend using a biocidal wash such as Knockout Decking and Patio Cleaner prior to treatment. Allow a minimum of 48 hours to dry.
Brush or spray in suitable conditions. (Make sure weather conditions are dry and still).
Coverage 1 coat up to 8 sq metres/litre of smooth timber and up to 5 sq metres on rough sawn timber, 2 coats recommended.
Drying times, normally 24-48 hours in ambient temperature. Apply second coat after 48 hours.